Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dancers of Many Stripes

What goes with a music festival? Dancers!

At the Wisteria Cornstalk Festival, in addition to two awesome contact improv dancers, there were bellydancers...


...and hoop dancers...
Lighted Hoop Dancing
Nova, dancing with a lighted hoop

...Fire dancers...
Zack Spinning Fire
Zack spinning fire

...Rain dancers...
Hippie Chick in the Rain
Dancing in the rain

of Kan'Nal
from Kan'Nal

...and dead-from-the-heat dancers!
Cruciform Megan
Megan...out hot

All-in-all, there was a lot of dancing going on at the Wisteria Cornstalk Festival. (They just didn't come to workshops.)

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