Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Worth the Drive

Last Friday night, I was picked up at work by friends, and we drove and drove, late into the night. The van was full of people and camping gear, so it was a tight fit. There was not much leg room, and every corner was stuffed. Conversation was pretty lively, and we were making sure the driver stayed awake.

Night Trippin'
Night Tripping

The journey was 400 miles, deep into the great north woods. It was nearly 2:30 am when we arrived and Reena and I got our tent set up. We were all jangled from the eight hours in the car. We had a couple of beers and found a few of the friends we were meeting up with were still up, still carrying on. We had a nice hour of catching up before finally crashing into sleep.

I deliberately awoke early the next morning to get a couple of pictures of the lake. It was one of those mornings where the fog hangs out until the sun has been up long enough to cook it off. I enjoyed the view and took a few photos. About the time I decided that I was ready for some coffee, and to see those friends in the light of day, the sun had done its morning cleaning task, and the lake was beautiful and fog free. With the promise of a great party in front of me, I took one last photo of the lake, and returned for that cup of coffee.

Morning Lake
Morning at the Lake

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