Sunday, March 6, 2011

Back in Our House

Contrary to the evidence of the past three weeks, this is not a political blog. It is, however, a blog about the ins and outs of my world. And the bad behavior and ugly politics of our new Governor has transformed the landscape of my daily life. I promise, once we kill this bill, and go to real work on the budget, I will go back to more typical topics. (I do have some great photos from a recent photo shoot that will appear here in a day or so, and I expect to see some Siberian Iris blooming this week, so expect them to appear here.)

Here we are at Day 19 of the peaceful protests in Madison, WI. We The People were finally allowed back into our Capitol building. If you think that would not matter to you, imagine having unrestricted access to your elected representatives turned off by a petty tyrant.

Yesterday's rally was the largest yet. I have not seen any official estimates, but my now-experienced eye is going to guess 140,000 [official estimates are well below 100,000. I guess I got suckered by not moving around enough. Sorry for the confusion.] or so. There were speeches and musicians to engage the crowd. Michelle Shocked flew in from L.A. (gratis) to support us. When Joe-the_non-Plumber shows up at a conservative rally, he is getting a fat paycheck.

And now, the photos...

Back in Our House

A slice of the huge crowd

Michelle Shocked rallies the protesters

Madison's VO5 get the crowd dancing

Oh yeah, and for the sake of Fox Lies, we brought in some palm trees!


There are more from the day in a SLIDE SHOW for your pleasure. There are more in the show from prior days though the most recent are up front.

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