Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mercureality in the Studio

A friend is downsizing some of her club wear and asked if I would take photos for her to use to resell them. Now, taking photos of clothes, even fun clothes, does not sound like much fun. However, what she really meant was that she was going to wear them while I took the photos. Oh, now that is a different story! Of course, this is yet another learning opportunity for me. Just how does one light vinyl so that you see how shiny it is without having undue glare? The things I am suffering through to improve my art...

Mercureality in the Studio
Does this photo even need a caption? I think not.

UPDATE: Reena prefers THIS IMAGE to the one above. What do you think?

Mercureality in the Studio
Hit her with a spotlight, please!

And really, doesn't everyone need a lavender vinyl ball gown? It really is an amazing dress, with lacing up the back.

Mercureality in the Studio

All the clothes in these shots are being posted for sale by Mercureality. If you are interested, and are size TEENY, drop me a note and I will put you in touch with her.


  1. Got to go with the red one -- more dynamic a pose, and a better showcase for her figure and the clothes.

    The B&W isn't bad, though.

  2. Sorry, I should have said the *second* red one. Mea culpa.


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