Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowy Day Distractions, Part II


Once I roused myself from my snowy morning distractions (see previous post) I went to the Edna Taylor Conservancy for a little walk. My self-appointed goal for the day was to shoot at the widest angle my current lenses allow - not very wide, a 28 mm on my camera behaves like a 42 mm - and so take in the Big Picture. I did alright for most of the time I was out there, but I didn't always follow my own rule.


This toggling from wide to macro had my brain in sort of a ping-pong state. Thus as I was trying to take in the entire vista that had opened up in front of me, I almost missed the local residents that were about 20 yards away from me.


There were three (that I saw) but it was not possible to jockey into a position where I could get a clear shot at all of them. So I am content with this fine photo of two does. There is a SLIDE SHOW with around a dozen photos from the day. They are the first in a larger set that covers the winter so far. I hope you enjoy them.

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