Saturday, January 19, 2013

Just. Plain. Wrong.

OK, this is simply wrong. It is January 19th and this is Madison, WI, 43 North latitude, smack in the northern middle third of the United States. It is supposedly the dead of winter, a time of year when we often would have a week where the temperature never gets above zero degrees (F). Today I am thinking about a motorcycle ride, and I have plants starting to come up in my gardens.


The first one I noticed is on the northeast corner of my house, and generally the last place things come up in the spring. The above is Snow On The Mountain, named for its appearance not because it is an early spring plant. Below are freaking daffodils for crying out loud. Daffodils! In January!


Unreal. And wrong. Nice to see them and all, but they are a good six or eight weeks early. The HIGH temperatures for the rest of the week are 17, 5, 10, 20, 22 (F). That does not bode well for the daffys.

1 comment:

  1. We went to the Botanical Gardens today. Stuff sprouting up all over. My daffodils are about 4 inches high. No blooms yet, but they can't ne far off.


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