Thursday, March 29, 2012

After being so proud of our cat Nala's willingness to train herself to remain within our fenced in back yard, she blew it a couple of weeks ago and went on walkabout. It was the first really balmy evening and she REALLY wanted to go out. She bypassed the fence and was a house or two away when we called for her. She came back, but we whisked her inside and let her know that she was "grounded". Out came the leash and collar - which she hates. After a couple of experiences with the leash, seh quit asking to go out. Yet it was clear she wanted to. After nearly two weeks of no-outside, we started the training regimen again: Escorting her outside, short trips, and routine check-ups. Over a few days we made her forays longer and our spot checks less frequent (maybe every 15-20 minutes). Oh, and I repaired three spots in the fence that made it simple for her to walk out.

She is earning our trust again and being rewarded with time outside again.


To say she is loving it is an understatement. It works great for us too, as we can let her out and be (reasonably) confident that she gets it, and will not stray. We do not have to de-tangle her leash ever few minutes either. When we work outside on the gardens, she gets to be a companion.


Speaking of the garden, such a difference a few days make this time of year! The first ferns were just starting to unroll on Sunday, and now there are dozens (scores) unfurling. Everything is up!


Unfortunately that means the grass already needs mowing too. Ah well, the good with the bad. If it does not rain on Saturday, I will mow and enjoy the time outdoors.

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