Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Heckuva Storm Today

We are having a hellacious wind storm today (though it sounds like it is diminishing as I type now that the sun has set). Gusts up to 60 MPH, or roughly equal to a tropical storm - quite unusual around here.


I ran some errands, with my camera in tow of course, and as I was passing Lake Mendota Monona at Olbrich Park I had to stop and try to capture the pounding.


The storm surge was coming ashore and could not drain back into the lake. Even though the temperatures were in the mid-50's (F) I was quickly chilled. The waves were splashing over my head, so call it seven feet above the shore, or 8+ feet over lake level. The water in Starkweather Creek was unusually high as the storm surge pushed up it. Apparently there are many trees down, power outages, and damaged/missing roofs though I saw very little damage in my outing.


  1. Awesome photographs Nataraj. It has been a fierce wind down here as well.

  2. amazing photos... I can practically feel the wind and the rain as I look at the pictures!


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