Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Rebirth of Sorts

I have been thinking about this image a lot lately. In part, of course, because we are smack in the middle of a seemingly endless winter here in Wisconsin where we haven't seen grass or felt warm since Thanksgiving. This was taken outside of Moab, Utah, where I was attending a contact improv dance retreat, and getting a bit of hiking in as well. Setting up this shot felt like crawling into, and emerging from a womb. There was something delightfully transformative about the process.

It's that feeling of transformation that got me thinking about it again. With the decision to offer some of my images for sale, and setting up a small-time gallery event to put them out there to the world in a public way, I fell like I'm undergoing another transformation. It's a different step - something I've never done before. I wonder where it will lead me, as I don't seem to be driving the process as much as going with the flow; following feedback and praise where it leads. It's all a bit easier I suppose, since I don't believe non-success equates with failure. I try; I learn; I try differently.

1 comment:

  1. Nataraj:
    Here's some more encouragement for you! Lovely image!
    I understand where you are, and thank you for giving me words, as I think I'm there too....


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