Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why I Bought My Nikon

It was for photos like this that I bought my Nikon D40. I was at an outdoor concert on a cool, rainy night. Every E-Z Up that could be found was hastily arranged into a labyrinth of pavilions and the show went on. It was a great time and everyone was damp but happy. As the last bank of stage lights was about to be powered off, I took this shot. The colored light makes it novel, and I tried it as a B&W image too but ultimately settled on this one. I realize that dodging out her hair at the bottom in the shadowy part would make this a better photo. I'm still working on the "get it right before the shot" phase of my development here, so I'm avoiding post-production other than crops and some brightness/contrast tweaks.

There are more photos from that evening in the 'Mug Shots' set at my Flick'r site. Clicking on the title of this post should take you there.

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